As we look forward to the spring season and warmer weather with our English Bulldogs, it’s important to remember to keep them healthy. When your English Bulldog is out in the hot weather and sun for too long, this can be very dangerous for their health and well-being.
When the weather gets warmer, and the hot sun is shining down, here are some tips on how to keep your English Bulldog cool:
Don’t Let Them Outside in the Heat for Too Long
English Bulldogs have dense and heavy bodies with small noses. They can adapt breathing problems when they’re out in the sun and hot weather for too long. If the weather starts to get much hotter, especially when the summer season begins, keep an eye out for how long your dog is outside for. Let them out to go to the bathroom and walk around for a bit, then bring them back in to the cool house.
Keep Them Cool and Comfortable
It’s crucial to keep your English bulldog cool during the summer months.
- Keep Your Bulldog Well-Hydrated
- Avoid Long Periods of time in extreme heat
- Do not over-exhaust them with exercise outdoors
- Cool down in controlled temperatures indoors
- Use fans and misters to cool down
On days that are hot, especially in the summer here in Georgia, continue to exercise your English Bulldog, but do it indoors. You can still get the proper exercise in when you play with them inside the house. You have the ability to control the temperature inside. Outside, the heat sometimes can be too much for your English bulldog.
At Cedar Lane Bulldogs, we provide families with the best dogs in the world. If you’re looking for more tips on raising an English Bulldog, check out our blog. Contact Cedar Lane Bulldogs at 405-550-4339 today or visit us online for more information about our English Bulldogs.